How to care your love wig doll?

Hair is something that makes a girl look attractive and beautiful. This is very much applicable to the sex doll as well. The wig is an essential component of a sex doll which makes her look gorgeous. Therefore it is mandatory to maintain her wig. In this guide, 3 important things will be explained regarding the care and maintenance of wigs of sex dolls.

  1. How to put on a wig on your sex doll?
  2. Ways to brush your dolls’ hair
  3. Cleaning the sex doll wig

Guide to maintain and care sex doll wig:

  1. How to put on a wig on your sex doll?

Putting a sex doll wig is very easy and simple. You can just simply put on the wig because the wigs are of the standard size and therefore you shouldn’t be having any issues with regard to the fittings of the wig. It just takes a few seconds to put on a wig and very easy to put it off as well. Also, you can buy a cap and bobby pins from the store but remember! This strategy is especially for the experienced owners who know how to make use of the bobby pins. First put on the cap, followed by the wig and make use of the pins to attach the wig with the cap securely. Make sure that you do not make use of any kind of glues, adhesives, tight straps or elastics, and avoid using dark-colored wig caps. The fair skin TPE dolls have the tendency to absorb dark colors leaving stains on the doll which becomes difficult to remove.

  1. How to brush your sex doll wig?

Brushing is an important factor to prevent it from getting knots and tangles. Brushing is a very easy process. You can brush the hair without removing it from the head but it is recommended to open the wig for easy brushing and to prevent any kind of damage that can be caused by the brush. Use a spray bottle to sprinkle water and make it moist for easy brushing. Now slowly-slowly remove the knots and continue brushing using gentle strokes. Don’t use your brush through the tangles or it will damage the hair. Some hair fall is natural but if you use the brush gently, then you control the hair fall.medium boobs sex dolls

  1. How to clean the sex doll wig?

Once you brush up the hair and remove the knots, it’s time for some cleaning. Make use of warm water. Fill up the basin with water so that the wig can completely immerse in it. Put a drop of shampoo in the hot water to get a soapy texture. Take the wig and immerse it inside the water and leave it like that for a few minutes. Now remove the wig from the soapy water solution. Open the tap and clean the wig with your hands under clean running water. Now squeeze the wig gently after removing it from the basin to drain off the excess water. Now wrap it up with a towel to soak it dry. After partial drying, gently brush the wig again and hang it in a shady place to make it fully dry. Congrats! You are done with hair cleaning!

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